Green Baby Poop?

Foremilk and Hindmilk

Got green poop? Your baby may not be getting enough hindmilk.

Although your breast only makes one type of milk, the fat content of what is coming out may change throughout a feeding. During milk production, the fat tends to stick to the walls further back in the milk ducts. The watery part moves down toward your nipple.

In the beginning of a feed, the milk may have a lower fat content (think skim milk). As the milk is expressed, the fat moves down the ducts and forced out creating a higher fat content (think whole milk).

The fat in milk helps slow down the digestive system allowing for lactose (the watery milk) to be broken down in baby’s gut. If there is not enough fat, the milk can rush through the system quicker than the lactose can be digested. This is called lactose overload or foremilk/hindmilk imbalance.

Lactose overload or foremilk/hindmilk imbalance can result in green poop, gassiness, or foamy stool.

Please note there are other reasons for green , foamy stool including being ill. Please check with your pediatrician.

Tips to help lactose overload:

      • Allow baby to feed as long as they want on one breast.
      • Try more frequent feeds.
      • Make sure baby has a deep latch which can help them manage milk flow.
      • You may express a small amount before baby feeds. Be careful not to create an ever supply.
      • Try a milkshake! Shake your breast around before baby feeds. This may help the fat dislodge from the walls for a better flow to the nipple.

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